Monday, March 6, 2017

Birthday With Batman

On Friday, I turned 22 years old. After thinking about what I wanted to do, my mom, two brothers and one of my sisters went to the movie theater and saw The Lego Batman Movie. I was so excited to see this movie. 2:10pm could not come soon enough. We ended up running a little late and we entered the theater just as the previews were ending. We slowly felt our way to the seats and sat down just as the movie was about to begin. 

Batman is my favorite super hero of all time which is one of the reasons I was so excited to see his movie. I also have a surprising love for The Lego Movie which added to the excitement level. I am kinda picky when it comes to animated movies. I like a lot of them but there are few that I would buy after they are released on Blu Ray and DVD. This might be one of those movies. 
All through the movie, there was a lot of laughter. After one funny moment would pass, another would begin. It was different then The Lego Movie before but still was really good. One of my favorite parts of the movie was all the different references to all the past Batman movies. I would probably watch that movie a couple times and still not understand and find all the references. 

The Lego Batman Movie was funny throughout but still had heart. At the end of the movie, as we left the theater, I could think of lessons that I had learned from the movie while still rolling around inside with laughter. Lego Batman definitely saved the day in this film.

Word of warning though. I would not watch tons of clips before you see the film. When I went to watch the movie, I had seen a lot of funny parts from the clips that I had seen before which made it a little disappointing in the theater. I usually don't mind doing it, but for this one, I would recommend that you hold off until you watch the movie.