Monday, January 22, 2018

Double the Movies, Double the Fun!

Usually, I only have time to watch one movie in a week, but this week, I was able to watch two. 

Movie # 1

Robin Hood

On Friday night, my mom, dad, younger brother and I decided we wanted to watch Robin Hood. This is the second Robin Hood I have seen, the first being the Disney Robin Hood. I need to watch the Kevin Costner one but that will be for another blog. Interesting fact, this movie made the second most money for a medieval movie ever, only beat by the Kevin Costner Robin Hood. 

When I was younger, if a movie looked scary in any way, I would not watch it. Looking at the poster, it kinda has a scary look to it. It took me a long time to get the courage to watch this movie but I am glad when I finally did. This is the second or third time that I have seen this movie but the excitement stays no matter how many times you see it. Russel Crowe makes a great Robin Hood and the other members of the cast makes the movie even better. They picked the right person for each part. The reviews for this movie might not have been great but it gets two thumbs up from me. 

Movie #2

Premium Rush

Warning: This movie does have a good amount of language in it and we watched it with the ClearPlay filters on. 

On Saturday night, after we got home from evening activities, we all decided that we wanted to watch a movie. Since we probably have over 200 movies in our house, it was hard to pick one. We went back and forth for a while then I remembered that I own Premium Rush. When I mentioned that movie, everyone agreed. So we popped in the movie, turned off the lights and started the film. 

This thriller is awesome. It has one of my favorite actors in it and it is not too long of a movie so we had time to finish it because it was so late when we started it. The story is told in different parts and goes back and forth in time which makes the movie more interesting and it makes everything flow together in the end. This movie is not one of the most popular movies out there but it is definitely a good one. 

Both of these movies are so different from each other but they are both equally good. You might not watch them back to back like I did but each movie makes a great movie night flick.