Monday, August 21, 2017

Fast and Furious Phase

A few weeks ago, my brother, sister, and I watched The Fate of the Furious. I have never seen a Fast and Furious movie until now. After watching the movie, it made me want to watch the other seven. So I went to my local Walmart and purchased all seven movies for thirty-five dollars. This was a gamble because again, I have not seen them and we don't have my favorite store Hastings anymore so I could not rent them. I could have rented them from Googleplay but it was three dollars each. By buying them, I spend less then five dollars a movie and got to keep them.

Something about myself is that I go through movie phases. I have gone through a phase where all I wanted to watch was Marvel movies. There was a time that all I wanted to watch was Mission Impossible. During the Christmas season, all I wanted to watch was Star Trek and I watched Star Trek Beyond multiple times and watched a couple seasons of the old Star Trek tv show. After watching the eighth Fast and Furious movie, all I wanted to watch was Dom and Brian O'Conner. Now we enter the phase of The Fast and the Furious. 

The Fast and the Furious

On Wednesday night, my family and I started The Fast and the Furious. Everyone except for my younger sister and I ended up leaving because it was not their type of movie. The first half of the movie I did not like.There was some partying stuff that the Clearplay did not take out that I did not like. I will probably fast forward those parts the next time I watch it. When we got towards the end, it got better. There was more to the story and there was more action. The first half  of the movie had drag racing which was not bad but the ending had car chases which is better then racing. I love action movies and if there is any exciting action in it, there is a good chance that I will watch and like it. 

After watching the first movie, I would say that it was more entertaining then a good movie. The ending action scenes were exciting and you want to find out what happens and I kinda liked some of the characters. In my option, The Fate of the Furious was better. I have heard that the first three were not very good but they get better afterwards  so I am looking forward to what the next ones have to offer.

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