Monday, October 23, 2017

We interrupt this blog for a public apology. Sorry again that I did not post on my blog last week.  I usually start writing my blog on Sunday night then edit and post on Monday. Last week, I did not write on Sunday and forgot about writing amidst school, chores and a little bit of relaxing during my day off of work. 


A Visit to China

This weekend, I went to a friend's house for a night in China. We had Chinese food and we watched Disney's Mulan. It was a really fun and exciting evening. 


This movie was not one that I grew up with as a child like Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast. I was at a friend's house when I was maybe ten and saw it for the first time. We own this movie now but I have not see it in a very long time. 

I forgot how much I love this movie. This Disney princess who is not a princess shines in this story of bravery, excitement, and humor. While I was watching this on Saturday, I caught things that I did not before. For instance, when the ancestors have their discussion, they talk about cross dressing. I did not know what that was as a child but now that I am older, I know what that is. 

One of my favorite things to do during movies, is that I love to talk. I like to add my own commentary to the story. During the movie, I had so much fun talking about some of the random things that popped into my head. I have to be careful with this though. Some people don't enjoy this.

If I had to pick, this would be one of my favorite Disney movies. I think it is one of my top ten. After watching it after not for so long, I want to watch it again. I might even watching again today.  

Monday, October 9, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer

The new Star Wars trailer is here. After waiting months for a new trailer, they finally released one during Monday night football. 

I will need to watch it a couple of times because I have not gotten everything out of it. The Force Awakens is my favorite Star Wars movie so I am looking forward for the story to continue. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Watching a Movie with My Brother and Mummy

For the past few weeks, since I started school, I have not had much time to watch movies. Last week was a little different. I got my school work done early so we decided to watch The Mummy. One of my sisters did not want to watch it so it was my brother and my mom. 

I have seen this movie before. One of my other sisters and I had gone and saw it months ago when she was in town. When I saw it, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. I usually do not watch scary movies so I am proud that I got through the whole thing. My sister, who likes scary movies did not find this movie scary at all. 

When we watched it on Saturday, I was still on the edge of my seat. My mom who also does not watch scary movies joined me on the edge. My younger brother, who like my sister likes scary movies, thought this movie was not scary either. He ended up falling asleep at the very end. 

The critics were not a fan of this movie and I will say this is not Tom Cruise's finest acting job but get past that and this is a pretty good movie. I liked it enough to buy it. If you want a movie that is kind of intense but won't make you pee your pants. this might be the next movie for your movie night.