Monday, October 2, 2017

Watching a Movie with My Brother and Mummy

For the past few weeks, since I started school, I have not had much time to watch movies. Last week was a little different. I got my school work done early so we decided to watch The Mummy. One of my sisters did not want to watch it so it was my brother and my mom. 

I have seen this movie before. One of my other sisters and I had gone and saw it months ago when she was in town. When I saw it, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. I usually do not watch scary movies so I am proud that I got through the whole thing. My sister, who likes scary movies did not find this movie scary at all. 

When we watched it on Saturday, I was still on the edge of my seat. My mom who also does not watch scary movies joined me on the edge. My younger brother, who like my sister likes scary movies, thought this movie was not scary either. He ended up falling asleep at the very end. 

The critics were not a fan of this movie and I will say this is not Tom Cruise's finest acting job but get past that and this is a pretty good movie. I liked it enough to buy it. If you want a movie that is kind of intense but won't make you pee your pants. this might be the next movie for your movie night. 

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