Monday, October 23, 2017

We interrupt this blog for a public apology. Sorry again that I did not post on my blog last week.  I usually start writing my blog on Sunday night then edit and post on Monday. Last week, I did not write on Sunday and forgot about writing amidst school, chores and a little bit of relaxing during my day off of work. 


A Visit to China

This weekend, I went to a friend's house for a night in China. We had Chinese food and we watched Disney's Mulan. It was a really fun and exciting evening. 


This movie was not one that I grew up with as a child like Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast. I was at a friend's house when I was maybe ten and saw it for the first time. We own this movie now but I have not see it in a very long time. 

I forgot how much I love this movie. This Disney princess who is not a princess shines in this story of bravery, excitement, and humor. While I was watching this on Saturday, I caught things that I did not before. For instance, when the ancestors have their discussion, they talk about cross dressing. I did not know what that was as a child but now that I am older, I know what that is. 

One of my favorite things to do during movies, is that I love to talk. I like to add my own commentary to the story. During the movie, I had so much fun talking about some of the random things that popped into my head. I have to be careful with this though. Some people don't enjoy this.

If I had to pick, this would be one of my favorite Disney movies. I think it is one of my top ten. After watching it after not for so long, I want to watch it again. I might even watching again today.  

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