Monday, September 4, 2017

Kinda Watching a Movie

HAPPY LABOR DAY EVERYONE! Celebrate the day with a new blog post.

This Friday, my family and I had another family movie night. My dad was off and we all wanted to see King Arthur. When I got off of work, I went to Redbox and we rented it for the evening. 

King Arthur

This movie was an interesting one. I don't know what I was expecting. The only exposure  I have had with King Arthur was the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone. This movie was really different then that one. Plus the fact that I have not seen that Disney movie in years.The only thing that was the same was the fact that he pulls the sword from the stone which makes him the rightful king. 

I watched the movie with half interest. When I was watching the movie, I was into it and liked it. Then there were parts where I got bored and started playing a game on my tablet. I thought I could multitask but apparently I was wrong. One of the big problems with this movie is the very heavy accents. Usually if they are hard to understand, we would turn on the subtitles and everything would be fine. But because of the language, we did not put them up. I think that is when I lost interest. When they where talking and I could not get what they were doing. 

There were moments during the movie that I was confused about the movie plot. I was thinking, "If this is what the movie is like, I don't like it." Then they revealed it, and  it consisted of the shocking moments that I liked. I suddenly understood and it made sense. 

After watching this movie, I am not sure what I think about it. When I was focused on the movie, I liked it but when I got distracted, I lost the the plot of the movie. My family liked it but I am not sure about me. I will have to watch it again but pay more attention to it. My brother fell asleep again during the movie so maybe he will watch it with me. Maybe then, I will have more concrete thoughts on the movie. 

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