Monday, September 11, 2017

Pizza, Ice Cream, Mario Cart, and The Maze Runner

On Saturday night, with our parents having date night, my younger brother, sister, and I decided that we wanted to watch a movie but first we had to eat dinner. While we ate pizza and bread sticks, we tried to pick a movie but could not agree on one. We all went downstairs to look at what we had. We then got distracted and ended up playing a couple rounds of Mario Cart. We finished but then decided we wanted frozen custard so we  went to Culvers and  got $2 pints. After working through all the distractions, we finally all agreed on a movie. Drum roll please.......

The Maze Runner

A little backround on this movie. I first saw this movie on a Christmas Eve or Day when Hastings (RIP) had a  rent free movie day and we had rented about 10 movies. When I watched this for the first time, I did not like it. It was kinda sad and it was not what I was expecting. Then my sister bought it and I watched it again and I found a new love for the Maze Runner film series. 

This movie falls in the category with movies like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver. It is based on a YA book written by James Dashner which I have never read. It is about a group of boys who have no memory of their life before they were put in a maze and them trying to find their way out.

After watching this movie more than once, I now love this movie. It has action, suspense, and of course a lot of running.  You will be out of breath from just watching them run through the maze trying to escape and getting away from the creatures called the Greivers.  At the end, there is something called a cliff hanger. It puts you at the edge of your seat and already waiting for the next installment. When my younger sister watched it for the fist time, we ended up watching the second one that same night. 

If you like The Hunger Games and Divergent, you will probably like this one. I would definitely  recommend watching this nail bitter. So what are you waiting for, get off the computer and run to your closest rental store and watch this movie.  

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