Monday, October 23, 2017

We interrupt this blog for a public apology. Sorry again that I did not post on my blog last week.  I usually start writing my blog on Sunday night then edit and post on Monday. Last week, I did not write on Sunday and forgot about writing amidst school, chores and a little bit of relaxing during my day off of work. 


A Visit to China

This weekend, I went to a friend's house for a night in China. We had Chinese food and we watched Disney's Mulan. It was a really fun and exciting evening. 


This movie was not one that I grew up with as a child like Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast. I was at a friend's house when I was maybe ten and saw it for the first time. We own this movie now but I have not see it in a very long time. 

I forgot how much I love this movie. This Disney princess who is not a princess shines in this story of bravery, excitement, and humor. While I was watching this on Saturday, I caught things that I did not before. For instance, when the ancestors have their discussion, they talk about cross dressing. I did not know what that was as a child but now that I am older, I know what that is. 

One of my favorite things to do during movies, is that I love to talk. I like to add my own commentary to the story. During the movie, I had so much fun talking about some of the random things that popped into my head. I have to be careful with this though. Some people don't enjoy this.

If I had to pick, this would be one of my favorite Disney movies. I think it is one of my top ten. After watching it after not for so long, I want to watch it again. I might even watching again today.  

Monday, October 9, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer

The new Star Wars trailer is here. After waiting months for a new trailer, they finally released one during Monday night football. 

I will need to watch it a couple of times because I have not gotten everything out of it. The Force Awakens is my favorite Star Wars movie so I am looking forward for the story to continue. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Watching a Movie with My Brother and Mummy

For the past few weeks, since I started school, I have not had much time to watch movies. Last week was a little different. I got my school work done early so we decided to watch The Mummy. One of my sisters did not want to watch it so it was my brother and my mom. 

I have seen this movie before. One of my other sisters and I had gone and saw it months ago when she was in town. When I saw it, I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. I usually do not watch scary movies so I am proud that I got through the whole thing. My sister, who likes scary movies did not find this movie scary at all. 

When we watched it on Saturday, I was still on the edge of my seat. My mom who also does not watch scary movies joined me on the edge. My younger brother, who like my sister likes scary movies, thought this movie was not scary either. He ended up falling asleep at the very end. 

The critics were not a fan of this movie and I will say this is not Tom Cruise's finest acting job but get past that and this is a pretty good movie. I liked it enough to buy it. If you want a movie that is kind of intense but won't make you pee your pants. this might be the next movie for your movie night. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Maze Runner: The Death Cure | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Before I start this week's blog, I want to apologize for not posting a blog post last week. Last week was so busy. I went  out of town for a few days, I was busy with school and I was exhausted.  I hope to be able to still do my blog this semester.

Now onto this week's post 

The Death Cure Trailer is HERE!!!

Recently I have wanted to do other things on my movie blog besides movie reviews and one of my ideas was movie news. I was never sure what news to do but today I have some exciting news. 

Last night, after the Teen Wolf finale, they released the first trailer for The Death Cure, the third and last installment of The Maze Runner Series. I have been waiting for this trailer for so long. This movie has had a lot of set backs. It was supposed to be released January of this year but the Dylan O'Brian, the actor who plays Thomas in this series ended up getting injured on set and they had to push the release date back to January 26, 2018. 

Now the trailer is finally here and it can feed our excitement till we see this movie next year. I was so excited when I saw it last night. I don't know how I will wait till January to see this movie.

I attached the trailer above. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pizza, Ice Cream, Mario Cart, and The Maze Runner

On Saturday night, with our parents having date night, my younger brother, sister, and I decided that we wanted to watch a movie but first we had to eat dinner. While we ate pizza and bread sticks, we tried to pick a movie but could not agree on one. We all went downstairs to look at what we had. We then got distracted and ended up playing a couple rounds of Mario Cart. We finished but then decided we wanted frozen custard so we  went to Culvers and  got $2 pints. After working through all the distractions, we finally all agreed on a movie. Drum roll please.......

The Maze Runner

A little backround on this movie. I first saw this movie on a Christmas Eve or Day when Hastings (RIP) had a  rent free movie day and we had rented about 10 movies. When I watched this for the first time, I did not like it. It was kinda sad and it was not what I was expecting. Then my sister bought it and I watched it again and I found a new love for the Maze Runner film series. 

This movie falls in the category with movies like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver. It is based on a YA book written by James Dashner which I have never read. It is about a group of boys who have no memory of their life before they were put in a maze and them trying to find their way out.

After watching this movie more than once, I now love this movie. It has action, suspense, and of course a lot of running.  You will be out of breath from just watching them run through the maze trying to escape and getting away from the creatures called the Greivers.  At the end, there is something called a cliff hanger. It puts you at the edge of your seat and already waiting for the next installment. When my younger sister watched it for the fist time, we ended up watching the second one that same night. 

If you like The Hunger Games and Divergent, you will probably like this one. I would definitely  recommend watching this nail bitter. So what are you waiting for, get off the computer and run to your closest rental store and watch this movie.  

Monday, September 4, 2017

Kinda Watching a Movie

HAPPY LABOR DAY EVERYONE! Celebrate the day with a new blog post.

This Friday, my family and I had another family movie night. My dad was off and we all wanted to see King Arthur. When I got off of work, I went to Redbox and we rented it for the evening. 

King Arthur

This movie was an interesting one. I don't know what I was expecting. The only exposure  I have had with King Arthur was the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone. This movie was really different then that one. Plus the fact that I have not seen that Disney movie in years.The only thing that was the same was the fact that he pulls the sword from the stone which makes him the rightful king. 

I watched the movie with half interest. When I was watching the movie, I was into it and liked it. Then there were parts where I got bored and started playing a game on my tablet. I thought I could multitask but apparently I was wrong. One of the big problems with this movie is the very heavy accents. Usually if they are hard to understand, we would turn on the subtitles and everything would be fine. But because of the language, we did not put them up. I think that is when I lost interest. When they where talking and I could not get what they were doing. 

There were moments during the movie that I was confused about the movie plot. I was thinking, "If this is what the movie is like, I don't like it." Then they revealed it, and  it consisted of the shocking moments that I liked. I suddenly understood and it made sense. 

After watching this movie, I am not sure what I think about it. When I was focused on the movie, I liked it but when I got distracted, I lost the the plot of the movie. My family liked it but I am not sure about me. I will have to watch it again but pay more attention to it. My brother fell asleep again during the movie so maybe he will watch it with me. Maybe then, I will have more concrete thoughts on the movie. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Saving the Galaxy Twice

Tuesday was a day I was looking forward to since May 8th. That day, my brother and I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 in theaters. As soon as I walked out of the theater, I knew that I would be buying it and adding it to my very big movie collection. Tuesday was the day that the movie came out on DVD. That morning, I got up early, got ready for work then headed to Target and picked up my copy of the movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

The other members of my family did not get the chance to see it in theaters so Friday was the day we decided to watch it together. After everyone got back from the activities of the evening, everyone got a brownie, went down to the basement, turned off the lights, and watched the movie together.

You want to know my feelings about this movie?  This is how I felt during the movie.

I love the characters in this movie. Usually I would only really like select characters but I like all of them. Even though I like them all , I still have an all time favorite character, Baby Groot. He is so cute, funny, and it just plain great. 

This film series sure knows how to make good movie. Usually sequels are not as good as the first but this one is just as good or better then the first one.  It was so hilarious. All throughout the film, there was always a funny moment. If laughter is the best medicine, you will feel better after watching this movie. 

Another thing that made this movie great is the story and heartfelt moments. The story was told well. One thing I love in a movie is surprises and this movie had its twists and turns. Add in the moments that you feel deeply in your heart and you get an amazing movie. 

This movie is definitely added to my favorite movie list. I could watch this many times and never get tired of it. After I watched it, I wanted to watch it again. Loved, loved, loved, the movie. In the words of a Guardians of the Galaxy "I AM GROOT."  

Monday, August 21, 2017

Fast and Furious Phase

A few weeks ago, my brother, sister, and I watched The Fate of the Furious. I have never seen a Fast and Furious movie until now. After watching the movie, it made me want to watch the other seven. So I went to my local Walmart and purchased all seven movies for thirty-five dollars. This was a gamble because again, I have not seen them and we don't have my favorite store Hastings anymore so I could not rent them. I could have rented them from Googleplay but it was three dollars each. By buying them, I spend less then five dollars a movie and got to keep them.

Something about myself is that I go through movie phases. I have gone through a phase where all I wanted to watch was Marvel movies. There was a time that all I wanted to watch was Mission Impossible. During the Christmas season, all I wanted to watch was Star Trek and I watched Star Trek Beyond multiple times and watched a couple seasons of the old Star Trek tv show. After watching the eighth Fast and Furious movie, all I wanted to watch was Dom and Brian O'Conner. Now we enter the phase of The Fast and the Furious. 

The Fast and the Furious

On Wednesday night, my family and I started The Fast and the Furious. Everyone except for my younger sister and I ended up leaving because it was not their type of movie. The first half of the movie I did not like.There was some partying stuff that the Clearplay did not take out that I did not like. I will probably fast forward those parts the next time I watch it. When we got towards the end, it got better. There was more to the story and there was more action. The first half  of the movie had drag racing which was not bad but the ending had car chases which is better then racing. I love action movies and if there is any exciting action in it, there is a good chance that I will watch and like it. 

After watching the first movie, I would say that it was more entertaining then a good movie. The ending action scenes were exciting and you want to find out what happens and I kinda liked some of the characters. In my option, The Fate of the Furious was better. I have heard that the first three were not very good but they get better afterwards  so I am looking forward to what the next ones have to offer.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Birthday With Batman

On Friday, I turned 22 years old. After thinking about what I wanted to do, my mom, two brothers and one of my sisters went to the movie theater and saw The Lego Batman Movie. I was so excited to see this movie. 2:10pm could not come soon enough. We ended up running a little late and we entered the theater just as the previews were ending. We slowly felt our way to the seats and sat down just as the movie was about to begin. 

Batman is my favorite super hero of all time which is one of the reasons I was so excited to see his movie. I also have a surprising love for The Lego Movie which added to the excitement level. I am kinda picky when it comes to animated movies. I like a lot of them but there are few that I would buy after they are released on Blu Ray and DVD. This might be one of those movies. 
All through the movie, there was a lot of laughter. After one funny moment would pass, another would begin. It was different then The Lego Movie before but still was really good. One of my favorite parts of the movie was all the different references to all the past Batman movies. I would probably watch that movie a couple times and still not understand and find all the references. 

The Lego Batman Movie was funny throughout but still had heart. At the end of the movie, as we left the theater, I could think of lessons that I had learned from the movie while still rolling around inside with laughter. Lego Batman definitely saved the day in this film.

Word of warning though. I would not watch tons of clips before you see the film. When I went to watch the movie, I had seen a lot of funny parts from the clips that I had seen before which made it a little disappointing in the theater. I usually don't mind doing it, but for this one, I would recommend that you hold off until you watch the movie. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rebecca's Movie Guide 2017

 I am sorry it has taken so long to post on my blog. I have been busy with work and school. Since it is kinda the new year, I decided to post the movies I have an interest in seeing in 2017.

The Lego Batman Movie

February 10

Since seeing The Lego Movie in 2014 and Batman being one of my favorite characters, I am super excited to see what this movie has in store. 

Kong, Skull Island

March 10

I saw a trailer for this movie a few months ago. Add to the fact that the cast has some of my favorite actors in it, puts this movie on my list.

Beauty and the Beast

March 17

Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite movies growing up which makes me excited to see this one. This movie will also features my favorite Disney villain, Gaston.

Power Rangers

March 24

I did not grow up watching Power Rangers. I am not sure what the full story is, but the trailers make the movie look a little interesting. Sometimes the interesting movies end up being good ones.

Guardians of the Galaxy 

Vol 2

May 7

I saw the first one once. Although it was not my favorite Marvel movie, this one looks funny; plus I love Baby Groot.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

May 26

I have seen the first Pirates movie and parts of the other films. Since I love the first one, I might try this one out. 

Wonder Woman

June 2

When I saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice last year, my favorite character from the movie was Wonder Woman. Seeing the trailers adds to my excitement to see her film.

Transformers: The Last Knight

June 23

Just like the Pirates movies, I have seen and loved the first one and saw parts of other ones. And just like the Power Rangers movie, I have hopes yet doubts about it.

Despicable Me 3

June 30

I have seen both of the previous films. I thought they were both really funny and I hope that this one will bring more of the same laughter. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming

July 7

Captain America: Civil War was my favorite movie released last year and Spider-Man was one of my favorite characters. This movie is on the top of my list.

War of the Planet of the Apes

July 14

I like this rebooted franchise. I am a little worried though. When I watched the trailer, it reminded me of the second movie. I am hopeful that this will not be a repeat.


July 21

One of my favorite directors is Christopher Nolan and he is directing this film. I am a little nervous about it being a war movie, but I like most of his movies, so hopefully this one will be another great Nolan movie. 

Thor: Ragnarok

November 3

A lot of my favorite movies are made by Marvel. I have liked the two previous ones so I hope this is a good third round. 

Justice League

November 17

As you can probably tell by now, I love to watch super hero movies. So far, most of the DC movies have not been the best but maybe this one will blow me away.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

December 15

Last but not least, the movie every one is waiting for. I loved the 7th one and I cannot wait to see how the story continues. I also have a bit of doubt because my other favorite director JJ Abrams is not doing this one. Even though he is not directing, my excitement for this movie is stronger then the doubt.